
新奥尔良一直被称为 《皇冠博彩官网》; we believe that church planting and compassion ministry can change that to 《上帝改造的城市!” God is at work here in New Orleans and we are excited about the opportunity for gospel multiplication through church planting, 同情部委, and student investment in one of the most unreached and broken cities in North America.

十多年前, the North American Mission Board began the Send City initiative focusing resources on large metropolitan areas in North America where there was little gospel presence. 新奥尔良地区有超过一百万人口, 还有人口和宗教的多样性, 新奥尔良被选为这些城市之一. 在过去的十年里, we have seen the Lord use the stewardship that Southern Baptist have entrusted to us to bring people to Christ, 培植繁殖教会, 在风雨和考验中为这座城市服务. 新奥尔良是一个很难做福音事工的地方, but the Lord has been faithful to use us to expand his kingdom here through the faithful witness of Southern Baptists.

在新奥尔良,我们的工作包括三个关键部分. First, through Send Network we seek to help churches plant churches everywhere in our city for everyone. Currently, we have over 20 church plants that have just crossed the five-year mark. Second, through Send Relief we seek to meet human needs in the name of Jesus. We do this through partners like the 浸信会友谊会馆 and disaster relief efforts. Finally, 通过我们的传福音活动, we help equip churches with resources to help everyday believers live on mission. 这种情况在新奥尔良更为严重. Recently, our work has expanded with the opening of our new NAMB Church Planting and Ministry Center. 与NOBTS和Leavell学院合作, we have a state-of-the-art meeting space here on the campus of NOBTS in the Fred Luter Jr. Student Center. In this space, we host a variety of events and conferences for both NAMB and NOBTS such as mission teams, 教师会议上, 甚至是神学院的课程. 我们的空间是用来服侍美南浸信会的教会.

皇冠博彩官网, we believe there is no better place to learn and do missions than New Orleans. Students who attend New Orleans will be trained in a post- Christian and cross-cultural context while serving alongside some of the best church planting practitioners in North America. We believe students who are trained and equipped for church planting in New Orleans, 能在世界任何地方植堂吗.



Meet the Team

George Ross



Sara Michel



Ashley Spivey




Jimbo Stewart



"Mobilizing local churches as Sending and Supporting churches to plant churches and love the people of New Orleans, 相信福音有能力改变一个被遗忘的城市." 在新奥尔良植堂需要长期的战略规划 partnerships. There are tremendous opportunities to partner in God’s kingdom mission to evangelize the lost, 门徒得救, 并建立更多的教堂,这将影响新奥尔良和世界.


  • 耶稣会,Para Las nacones
  • 收获的教堂
  • 在基督教堂的下一个阶段
  • 花园城市教堂
  • Iglesia Bautista La Vina
  • Family Church
  • Renew Church
  • 庆祝教堂-下街. 伯纳德校园
  • 浸信会
  • 曼德维尔庆典教堂
  • 新奥尔良华人教堂
  • 米丘德教堂
  • 连接国际





如果你是一个皇冠博彩官网,想加入当地的教会植堂, please reach out to The NAMB Church Planting Center on campus or contact one of the local plants directly

Meet the Team

Ryan Rice


Ben Beland



Send Relief is the compassion and mercy ministry arm of the North American Mission Board. 我们的目标是装备教会来满足需要, providing an opportunity to build relationships and change lives by communicating the truth of the Gospel. We serve New Orleans by mobilizing teams to serve local partners and churches, and by providing ongoing support to ministries across the city focusing on areas such as poverty, 人口贩卖, 难民及国际事务, 寄养及领养, healthcare, 以及当地社区的合作.


  • 通过当地的合作伙伴,比如 浸信会友谊会馆, Crossroads, or 浸信会社区卫生服务. Local ministries need local church partners – consider mobilizing a consistent volunteer or giving partnership from your church through Send Relief and a local ministry.
  • 安排一次传教之旅. 查找更多信息和行程可用性 here. Our trip options include both Vision Trips (a 1-3 day trip to get a taste of NOLA ministry and discover how you can take the next step in partnership) and Mission Trips (a 4-6 day trip with hands-on work serving local churches and ministries). The goal of all our trips is that participants would be challenged to live on mission in all of life and to replicate some aspect of compassion ministry in their hometown.
  • 通过定期培训获得知识和技能. We leverage local pastors and leaders to provide compassion ministry training in areas such as contextualization, tradecraft, 人口贩卖, 无家可归的部, 还有教会伙伴关系.
  • 做好灾害应对皇冠博彩官网. Send Relief partners with Southern Baptist Disaster Relief for natural disaster recovery. 我们与SBDR合作,提供志愿者培训, and channel resources and volunteers through existing SBDR pathways to provide hope and help quickly after a crisis.


给Josh Durnell发邮件 jdurnell@sendrelief.org 了解更多信息.

Meet the Team

Josh Durnell


Abbey Guidry



The Send Network 乘法管道 is designed to help churches raise up the next generation of missional servant leaders. The Pipeline includes simple assessment tools and a user-friendly online training system to equip participants for ministry in a post-Christian context. The 乘法管道 Training has three levels of module-based content related to developing church planters, 植堂队, 以及传教领袖. The training will help students develop in areas such as spiritual formation, 圣经的知识, missional生活, evangelism, missional领导, disciple-making, ministry call, 植堂模式, and more.

Course Credit

New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary is offering up to 25% of a degree for graduate students and 18 hours for undergraduate students participating in the 乘法管道 Training. 皇冠博彩官网应与NAMB联络 & NOBTS植堂中心报名参加管道课程. The Pipeline Training Coach facilitates the class using the NAMB Pipeline Training material through their local church or ministry site.


Semester 1



Discipleship & 属灵培育(3小时)

Semester 2





Church Ministry Practicum (3 or 6 hours per semester, up to 3 semesters, 18 hours total)


The content of the 乘法管道 Training can be completed for course credit through an approved 乘法管道 Site that meets the NAMB Guidelines.


  • FBC卡明(佐治亚州卡明)
  • FBC塔斯卡卢萨(塔斯卡卢萨,AL)
  • 斯泰森浸信会(佛罗里达州)
  • 泰勒道浸信会(阿拉巴马蒙哥马利)
  • 避难教堂(北区北区)
  • 湖滨教会(NOLA)
  • 威廉姆斯大道(北区)
  • 庆典教堂(北区)
  • 福音希望教会(亚特兰大,乔治亚州)
  • Well Church网络(阿拉巴马州)
  • 梅泰里教堂(北区北区)
  • 富兰克林道浸信会教堂
  • 连接教堂阿尔及尔(NOLA)
  • Faith New Orleans(诺拉)
  • 北森林教堂(Evansville, IN)
  • FBC迪凯特(阿拉巴马州迪凯特)
  • 内特尔顿浸信会(阿肯色州)
  • 蒙哥马利(阿拉巴马州)


联络NAMB + NOBTS教会植堂中心 jspivey_contractor@namb.net .

Meet the Team

Jay Spivey

